Conferences and Events

 The following is a list of conferences and events that are strongly in line with Darby's Ideas.  Past events are ones that she has attended.

Future Events
Architecture and Design Film Festival in Chicago, IL from April 24-28, 2013

Future Conferences
EDRA44 in Providence, RI from May 29-June 1, 2013 

Past Events
Architecture and Design Film Festival in Chicago, IL from May 5-9, 2011
Architecture and Design Film Festival in Chicago, IL from April 12-16, 2012

Past Conferences
Structures for Inclusion 10+1 in Chicago, IL from March 25-27th, 2011
Death and Life of Social Factors in Berkeley, CA from April 29-May 1, 2011
EDRA42 in Chicago, IL from May 25-28, 2011EPIC in Boulder, CO from September 18-20
Design in Action in Philadelphia, PA from October 9-11, 2011PIVOT: AIGA Design in Phoenix, AZ from October 13-16
EDRA43 in Seattle from May 30-June 2, 2012